9 Chickweed Rage

Two old friends get angry talking about the newspaper comic strip 9 Chickweed Lane.

About the show

In 1993, Brooke McEldowney began writing and drawing the newspaper comic strip 9 Chickweed Lane. Nearly 30 years later, it's still going strong. For some dumb reason, Brooke Dillman and Jeff Drake read the comic strip, even though it only makes them angry. This is their podcast, certainly one of the worst ideas for a podcast ever: a podcast about a newspaper comic strip that (as far as they know) no one reads. This is 9 CHICKWEED RAGE.


  • Poster Image

    002: Rock-Hard, Bulging Sidearm

    August 29th, 2022  |  47 mins 41 secs
    9 chickweed, 9 chickweed lane, brooke dillman, brooke mceldowney, chickweed, chickweed lane, cirque du soleil, comic strip, comics, jayhawks, jeff drake, ku, mu, newspaper comic strip, tab

    The romance (?) of Thorax and Esme continues. In fact, it escalates! At least from her perspective. Thorax mostly just stands there like a lummox. Until something really gross happens. Part 2 of 3.

  • Poster Image

    003: Doesn’t That Make Everything So Cozy?

    August 29th, 2022  |  45 mins 44 secs
    9 chickweed, 9 chickweed lane, axl rose, brooke dillman, brooke mceldowney, chickweed, chickweed lane, comic strip, comics, e.t., jeff drake, kim kardashian, maleficent, newspaper comic strip

    The big finale of the romance (?) between Thorax and Esme. Part 3 of 3.