In part two of this three-part horror-fest, we continue to follow the romance (we guess?) of Thorax and Esme. We admit to Brooke McEldowney that we probably just don't get his very, very smart comic strip. Brooke (Dillman, not McEldowney) invents a new word while describing Esme's sudden and aggressive seduction of Thorax, which includes (of course) uncomfortable double entendre, sexy (?) grammar wordplay, and hilarious airport metaphors. Esme kisses Thorax A LOT. But he does nothing, until the very end, when he magically (?) does something very, VERY upsetting. At least to us. It probably gave ol' B. McE a boner. You know what? There's no probably about it. We also explore our theory that McEldowney is a weird college professor/nudist.
(One caveat, we're not super tech smart. And as we've begun this podcast, we've had some glitches to deal with. Please bear with us for the occasional audio weirdness. Thanks!)
The Chickweed strips we discuss this episode:
The first three are here.
The last two are here.
This episode's "tittilizing" journey includes:
- Wagnerian opera
- KU vs. MU
- The Civil War
- Slavery
- Me Too
- Fat-shaming
- Sexual harrassment on the job
- Cirque du Soleil
- Ellipsis abuse
- Blow-up sex dolls
- Leg injuries
- Panties
- Summer of 2020
- Standards & Practices
- Nudists
- Ascots
Show Notes
Talk to Us!
Having trouble understanding what's going on in a 9 Chickweed Lane strip you just read? Send it our way! We'll take a shot at interpreting it for you! Just want someone to talk to?
We're on Twitter: @9ChickweedRAGE