9 Chickweed Rage
Two old friends get angry talking about the newspaper comic strip 9 Chickweed Lane.
We found 3 episodes of 9 Chickweed Rage with the tag “peanuts”.
032: You Sneezed All Over Julius Caesar Dithers
December 28th, 2023 | 1 hr 44 mins
9 chickweed, 9 chickweed lane, brooke dillman, brooke mceldowney, chickweed, chickweed lane, comic strip, comics, diet coke, eddie izzard, goats, jeff drake, newspaper comic strip, peanuts, segway, tiger beat
Brooke McEldowney defends his use of the ellipsis, so we take him down.
006: A Trampoline Comes Convulsively to Mind
September 19th, 2022 | 1 hr 21 secs
9 chickweed, 9 chickweed lane, ballet, balloon animals, brooke dillman, brooke mceldowney, chickweed, chickweed lane, comic strip, comics, dorf on golf, jeff drake, ku/mu, little people, newspaper comic strip, orangutans, peanuts, phantom of the opera, radar, rotary phones, sonar, swing sets
In the course of one week, Edda & Amos travel through time, without the constraints of logic, common sense, or even relative size.
005: Socrates Never Won a Debate By Licking Someone's Ear
September 12th, 2022 | 52 mins 51 secs
9 chickweed, 9 chickweed lane, bob seger, brooke dillman, brooke mceldowney, chickweed, chickweed lane, comic strip, comics, esperanto, feminine wiles, holy grail, jeff drake, jerry lewis, krusty the clown, ku, mma, monty python, monty python & the holy grail, mu, newspaper comic strip, peanuts, rick moranis, socrates
Are Edda & Amos the most romantic and perfect couple the modern world has ever seen? Of course they are! And of course they aren't.